Where to park at Lynx Lake?
Image of left turn onto Lynx Lake North Shore Road, also called Forest Road 611 or Lynx Lake Store Road. Overflow/free parking is available at any of the ‘pull-offs’ on Walker road near here. See red ‘P’s’ in pictures.
Parking: Parking in the correct places at Lynx is absolutely critical. 1) Please DO NOT PARK AT THE LYNX LAKE CAFE. Parking there is for paying restaurant guests ONLY for the duration of their meals. All others will be towed.
Walk the path down to the marina by following the red dots to lakes edge:
2) ALL guests boating with Prescott Outdoors MUST park at either the Lynx Lake North Parking teardrop (also called Lynx View Point) area and pay $5 for parking (except Wednesdays are free parking), or on Walker Road. Please see map at Bottom of the page for a google ´pin´ to put in your smart phone. Parking at the North Shore area fills up very quickly on a daily basis and is first-come-first-serve. Please use the pay kiosk when parking at the North Shore Parking area. ****Bathrooms are also located there, please use them prior to paddling with us.*****
North Shore Area Pay Parking Photos:
3) Overflow/free parking is located at ‘pull-offs’ found near the intersection of Walker Road and Forest Service Road 611 . Please park here, completely off the road, and walk down FS 611 until you reach a large road gate on your right. Enter through the side of the gate, take a right down the hill and you will see our operation and dock, located on the waters edge.
Parking on Walker Road: